Sylvia Ikomi was a child prodigy in the area of English. Due to her proficiency in English she completed her English Language AS and A2 exams in the same year obtaining 100% in her Language Development and Language and Social Contexts English Language A-Level exams, 97% in her Introduction to the Study of Language exam, 96% in her Texts in Time English Literature A-Level exam and 100% for her English Literature Literary Connections coursework in 2005. The modules in which she obtained 100% were the highest results in the history of the exam. This led to requests for her to tutor secondary school students in English.
Sylvia was a key stage 3 to 5 English private tutor for over ten years. She has a Lifelong Learning English for Speakers of Other Languages and Literacy Postgraduate Certificate in Education and started her Master’s in Education at the University of Greenwich in September 2019. She is a recipient of The English-Speaking Union and NASUWT Union’s Walter Hines international education research scholarship. One of Sylvia’s key achievements as an educator was her English as an Additional Language (EAL) students’ outstanding English GCSE results in the 2017 exams which included an award of 99% for a student in their English GCSE Speaking and Listening exam. Placing the student in the top 1% of England’s English GCSE results for that year. As experts predict that it takes EAL students 5-7 years to obtain the Cognitive Academic Language of Proficiency that the English GCSEs demand, this was no small feat.
No Child Left Behind Consultants’ mission is to improve the education attainment levels of children that have had an adverse childhood experience.